3274. Check if Two Chessboard Squares Have the Same Color using Rust


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You are given two strings, coordinate1 and coordinate2, representing the coordinates of a square on an 8 x 8 chessboard.

Below is the chessboard for reference.

Return true if these two squares have the same color and false otherwise.

The coordinate will always represent a valid chessboard square. The coordinate will always have the letter first (indicating its column), and the number second (indicating its row).

Example 1:

Input: coordinate1 = “a1”, coordinate2 = “c3”

Output: true


Both squares are black.

Example 2:

Input: coordinate1 = “a1”, coordinate2 = “h3”

Output: false


Square "a1" is black and "h3" is white.


  • coordinate1.length == coordinate2.length == 2
  • 'a' <= coordinate1[0], coordinate2[0] <= 'h'
  • '1' <= coordinate1[1], coordinate2[1] <= '8'


First attempt : Time complexity O(n2)

impl Solution {
    pub fn check_two_chessboards(coordinate1: String, coordinate2: String) -> bool {
        let mut color1 : &str = "";
        let mut color2 : &str = "";
        let mut output : bool = true;

        // coordinate 1
        let mut coor1array : Vec<&str> = coordinate1.split("").filter(|&s| !s.is_empty()).collect();
        if let Ok(num1) = coor1array[1].parse::<i32>() {
        if((coor1array[0] == "a" || coor1array[0] == "c" || coor1array[0] == "e" || coor1array[0] == "g") && num1 % 2 == 0 ){
           color1 = "White";
        else if((coor1array[0] == "a" || coor1array[0] == "c" || coor1array[0] == "e" || coor1array[0] == "g") && num1 % 2 != 0 ){
            color1 = "Black";
        else if((coor1array[0] == "b" || coor1array[0] == "d" || coor1array[0] == "f" || coor1array[0] == "h") && num1 % 2 == 0 ){
           color1 = "Black";
        else if((coor1array[0] == "b" || coor1array[0] == "d" || coor1array[0] == "f" || coor1array[0] == "h") && num1 % 2 != 0 ){
            color1 = "White";
        // coordinate 2
        let mut coor2array : Vec<&str> = coordinate2.split("").filter(|&s| !s.is_empty()).collect();
        if let Ok(num2) = coor2array[1].parse::<i32>() {
        if((coor2array[0] == "a" || coor2array[0] == "c" || coor2array[0] == "e" || coor2array[0] == "g") && num2 % 2 == 0 ){
           color2 = "White";
        else if((coor2array[0] == "a" || coor2array[0] == "c" || coor2array[0] == "e" || coor2array[0] == "g") && num2 % 2 != 0 ){
            color2 = "Black";
        else if((coor2array[0] == "b" || coor2array[0] == "d" || coor2array[0] == "f" || coor2array[0] == "h") && num2 % 2 == 0 ){
           color2 = "Black";
        else if((coor2array[0] == "b" || coor2array[0] == "d" || coor2array[0] == "f" || coor2array[0] == "h") && num2 % 2 != 0 ){
            color2 = "White";
         if(color2 == color1){
            output = true;
            output = false;
        return output

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